White Revolution Florida

The Florida chapter of White Revolution is dedicated to Pro-White activism and the 14 word cause in the State of Florida. Our mission is to speak about local and state issues pertaining to White rights, provide racial awareness education materials, exposing anti-White agendas of our media and governments, and providing a safe and positive pro-White service to the White community of Florida.

We organize pro-White events, White family charities, and work with other positive pro-White activists and groups through-out the state. We are offical partners working with others under the Blood and Honour American Division banner.

We focus on issues that affect the White community of Florida. We also wish to celebrate and encourage White heritage and cultural awareness throughout the state. Many issues we focus on are pro-family issues and protecting our children from being targeted by the media and other Anti-White agendas out to harm White children. We wish to put an end to the growing hostility against Whites in our local communities.

This is White Revolution Florida and we want to look out for our own, because the future for our children is in jeopardy and we're here to make their future a safer place.

Concerned White in Florida?

If your tired of the growing White hostility in Florida contact White Revolution FL today!

Information is available via email or snail mail. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with WR Florida don't hesitate to contact us via

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Important White Revolution Florida Blog Annoucement

Due to increased activities in the state and new projects underway the White Revolution Florida Blog will no longer be updated. To remain updated on current Pro-White Florida events and meet-ups you can contact Jessica Dietrich via the White Revolution Forum 14 at . Any updates will also be posted on the forum.

If you have had an account in the past on that forum you'll notice it looks different now, you must re-register (or register if you are new) to post and to contact WR members, supporters, or officials.

Thanks to all that have read and responded to posts here. Looking forward to a progressive Pro-White movement in the state of Florida. Contact your local White Revolution representative today!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

US Govt Now Condemns 'Unintentional' Anti-Semitism

* While W.R. is a secular organization this is still a worth while read regardless if you are a Christian or not. There is an obvious pro-Jewish, Pro-Zionist agenda influencing our government. The fact the government would take such a strong position in favor of a protected special interest group and another country is both disturbing and an outrage. We are one step closer to facing a communist like PC/ thought crime scenario. A modern day witch hunt.

Heretics and Witches has now become Racists and Anti-Semites.

Thank to
James Woroble Jr

for posting this on the W.R. forum.


Govt Now Condemns 'Unintentional' Anti-Semitism

By Rev. Ted Pike

June 17, 2008

Are you an unintentional anti-Semite? The US State Department's "Office of Global Anti-Semitism" warns not just of conscious, intentional anti-Semitism but of another lurking form of potential bigotry: unintentional anti-Semitism. (See, Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress, page 4)

According to our government, this consists of criticisms of Israel which, though true, might be manipulated by others to Israel's detriment. To avoid assisting Israel's enemies, the state department recommends that every comment about Israel (including its leaders and military) first be scrutinized for whether it could put Israel in a bad light. If so, it shouldn't be said. Only then can we consider ourselves both consciously and unconsciously free from anti-Semitism.

The state department needn't lecture evangelical Christians against possibly assisting Israel's enemies. At least a century ago, evangelical leaders anticipated the state department's warning. Today, evangelicals reflexively honor the code that, no matter how true an unflattering fact or opinion about Jews may be, it will not be repeated. As a result of a century of self-censorship, tens of millions of evangelicals live in a virtual iron curtain of exclusion of truth about Jews, Judaism and Israel. Taught to see, hear, and speak no evil of Israel, they subsist on a religious and political diet of Zionist-approved pablum. The magnitude of truth that has never been allowed to reach them is encyclopedic.

Are Evangelicals Anti-Semitic?

Evangelicals think that, by only speaking well of Jews, they are beyond the reproach of ever being labeled anti-Semitic. Wrong. The state department says that if Christians believe the New Testament account that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified they are the very worst kind of anti-Semites: "classical" anti-Semites. That's what Hitler was (See, Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress, page 5).

To please both Jews and the government, evangelicals must now fulfill two criteria: Never say true but unflattering things about Israel and abandon belief in the New Testament.

Will evangelicals accommodate the state department's new requirement of philo-Semitic correctness? Countless followers of John Hagee already do. They agree with his book "In Defense of Israel" that the New Testament testimony that Jews killed Christ is an anti-Semitic lie that birthed the Holocaust.

Yet an increasing number of Americans are no longer content to be insulated from truth. Many visiting are rediscovering an enormous reality: We don't have to fear the whole truth concerning Jews or anything else. Truth can be trusted entirely. Truth doesn't beget error and evil; rather, it bears the good fruit of knowledge, wisdom, moderation, and guidance in a darkened, confused world.

Because statements of truth affirm reality, they are akin to God Himself, the ultimate Reality. Jesus said, "Thy Word is truth." (John 17:17)

People who don't love reality hold back part of the truth. They consider too much truth to be potentially dangerous. Evangelical leaders believe they protect Jews from possible persecution by censoring truth about Jewish supremacism and creation of Christian-persecuting hate laws. In reality, protection of Jewish anti-Christian activists empowers them to flourish and expand their corruption of society. This in turn only increases criticism and resentment of all Jews-most of whom are innocent of such evil. Many bitterly resent the Anti-Defamation League, architect of hate laws, for the bad reputation it gives the Jewish people!

The "Israel-first" church should not fear truth about the Jews; rather, it should fear the mounting juggernaut of Jewish anti-Christianity. This is a force that Rabbi Daniel Lapin says is "now in relentless attack on evangelical Christians." (See, Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under 'Relentless Attack' by 'Secular Judaism')

In order to hold back this threat, the truth must be allowed to flourish in the full light of day. For evangelical leaders and media to continue to parse the truth to the people only distorts reality. Evil flourishes amidst such distortion.

Half-truths are Actually Lies

But evangelical leaders may reply: "Surely telling half the truth about a sensitive subject is better than telling no truth." Not so. When a respected leader tells half the truth, he inoculates his followers against the whole truth. They are satisfied they have found the truth and no longer search for it.

Also, they become misdirected in their opposition to evil. For example, evangelical leaders say, "The liberal media is behind the corruption of America." This half-truth directs their followers to oppose liberalism, an ideology so pervasive and amorphous that it's almost impossible to effectively combat. However, if a leader tells the whole truth, that big media corrupting America is primarily Jewish, then defenders of freedom are immediately directed against a racial-religious group of conspirators. These shadowy ogres don't want us to reflect unfavorably on the fact that they, as Jews, are corrupting America. Such scrutiny puts Judaism in a bad light. It could prompt both Christians and Jews to pressure them to desist. That would mean an end to their efforts to corrupt Christian civilization in order that a Judaic one-world order, presided over by their false messiah, Anti-Christ, might be established.

Here we see the radically different consequences of telling a half-truth versus a whole truth. Half-truths lead to misdirection and dissipation of Christian activism. The whole truth leads to effective resistance and restoration of society. Consequences this different and profound could mean the difference between saving America and losing her. Not telling the whole truth is thus worse than a misrepresentation; it is a lie. Lies distort reality, creating false premises which lead to misguided actions and disastrous results-confusion.

Such confusion is where John Hagee and tens of millions of evangelicals are. It's where our Zionist-directed Mideast foreign policy is. It's where countless Americans, sitting before their TV sets, are: depending on Jewish media to orient and instruct them about the very greatest moral and national issues America has ever faced.

Any religion, civilization or government that depends on filtered information will lose its way. As long as America allows Jewish media to guide us, we will only find ourselves repeatedly foundering in national dilemmas and foreign entanglements. Despite our most fervent efforts to find relief and safety, we will remain perpetually, inextricably lost.

Hope in the Grassroots?

Will evangelical leaders continue to perpetuate lies about Judaism, even as Jewish activism undermines their ministries? Because of their enormous vested commitment to Zionism, the answer is almost certainly yes. After all, they have to please their pro-Zionist supporters to survive. Such leaders do not really lead the people; the power of the pursestring of their constituents leads them.

On the other hand, an encouraging trend is quietly developing: apart from ADL, dominates "hate laws" at Google. With WorldNetDaily almost constantly exposing hate law abuses to its 7 million Christian/conservative readers, many thousands of evangelical Christians, googling hate laws, rebound to each month. There, they find not only the world's most complete information on hate laws but a Biblically balanced perspective on Israel that is evangelical-friendly. teaches that God still has a wonderful destiny for a remnant of repentant Jews at Christ's return. We also teach that it is not anti-Semitic to rebuke evil Jewish leaders. Christ and the prophets did it all the time.

At Truthtellers, we receive frequent appreciation and encouragement from evangelicals with virtually no criticism. In fact, we have encountered no intelligent, systematic, and even-handed criticism since the founding of the National Prayer Network in 1981.

Many of these evangelicals, finding "Ted Pike" on Google, undoubtedly link to my video The Other Israel at where it has now been viewed more than 110,000 times.

Perhaps, with such truth flooding into evangelicalism from the internet, it is not evangelical leaders who will save America from the top but independent-thinking Christians from the bottom. There is evidence of an ever-increasing number of evangelicals in the grassroots who want to do just that.

What can we do right now?

Pray for America and spread the whole truth! Where the people lead, the "leaders" will follow.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Attention Whites in Palm Beach County, FL.

My name is Jessica and I'm 21 years old and I am currently the Florida Deputy Governor for White Revolution. I am married and awaiting my first child. I am a third generation Floridian. My grandfather was born in Pahokee in the 1930s and later moved to Lake Worth where he still lives with my grandmother. My father was born in the 60s in Lake Worth and I was born in the 80s in West Palm Beach.

I've had several generations before me call this state home as well. One of my ancestors (I believe my grandfathers uncle) was one of the team of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who helped build the 20ft high dike on Lake Okeechobee after the great hurricane of 1928. I supposed he and his family settled in Florida. So my family has just a little over 80 years of calling Florida home.

You can say my family being around so long they've witnessed many changes in the State and general area since. My grandfather tells me about the good ole' days when justice was justified and family values still meant something. I'm only 21 years old yet I've seen so much change in just my lifetime so far. In my lifetime I've seen crime rates sore, good people move away looking for a "better" place to live, Gays have made Lake Worth and schools recruiting grounds for their lifestyle, the educational system is horrible, and my people are turning to drugs, alcohol and degeneracy. What went so wrong to lead to this? Will it get better at all or will it continue to get worse?

My parents had a constant pattern of problems with the school board since my oldest brother started middle school and this pattern remained until my parents decided to pull my youngest brother (of my 4 siblings) out of school. The reason for the conflict were always related to racial conflict. Each of my siblings and my mother when she was a teen had racial problems when it come to public school. My father was more fortunate since my grandfather didn't want his children schooling with blacks he sent them to a private school during the forced integration.

My mother recalls a lot of the race riots that occurred in Jacksonville, FL during the 70's. She was spat on, assaulted, harassed, insulted, witnessed more violence then a teenage girl at anytime should ever endure or witness. Anyway my purpose in sharing these personal things is to say that given our values, beliefs, racial background the place many generations have called home will become a hostile environment for us and future generations. I will show other Whites living in Palm Beach County who read this why I hold a concern for my home and my people's presence in the areas. I will do this with demographics and reason and detailing some experiences which aren't unique to what my family had to go through, but what other parents in our local area also said they have faced.

Both history and current events show that to many different peoples cannot live in peace. You cannot please one group without insulting the other. My family doesn't personally believe in integration of the races yet in todays world that's nearly impossible for us to do since it was and still is a forced reality, but my family has gone along with it thinking they had no choice in the matter but still does not believe in race mixing but even so with one of my parents cousins who decided to marry a Hispanic (Hispanics are one of the largest and fastest growing minorities who occupy South Florida, Whites dating Hispanics is becoming common), my parents who think it was wrong has accepted that too, will they as calmly accept the end of their own bloodline if one of my siblings or their future children choose a non-White mate? I know it would hit closer to home and it would split our family in two.

The sad part is I think I would be the only one strong enough to stand my ground, although it would hurt me so much I know it will be an example for my future children to be as strong to preserve their own. Not to mention, I myself would be disowned for not accepting it, even though everyone else would agree.

I believe that once a White has a non-White offspring nearly every time the immediate and extended family will end up accepting the offspring, even in great disappointment. This will be the beginning of the end for a bloodline. This will impair a Proud White family wanting to preserve their very being because they feel they cannot disown someone they love so much, not to mention many Whites these days have lost their sense of "folk". So their love for the race mixer will give them a difficult choice to make and most people take the easy choice; they accept what the race mixer had done, the resulting offspring and accept the feeling of failure and adapt to the dramatic changes they will endure.

Race mixing isn't just a personal choice an individual makes if they come from a racially aware family, that choice will also affect their loved ones as it is not the same as choosing a good partner of the same race. Each loved one will have to make a very difficult moral choice no mother, father, brother or sister should have to make. Race mixing is a destroyer. Some might simply chose to accept it automatically, maybe even celebrate it but in my opinion I feel them to be ill informed what it will cause in the short and long run.

So, here lies the problem. Can we as a people, our families, and future generations who are forced to co-exist with other peoples of different races, cultures, and religions maintain our racial, cultural, religious, and values without taking these others into our gene-pool? History proves that race mixing and loss of cultural identity will occur if there are no means for a people to preserve themselves. Can we teach our children to love other races without leading them to think it's ok to take them as partners? Luckily this hasn't happened to my immediate family and I hope it never will. Our family was and is proud of our White heritage both American and European and our genetic traits like red or blond hair and lighter eyes. Something that can change if we accepted non-Whites into our gene-pools.

In science there are three primary groups of races. Whites (Caucasoids), Asians (Mongoloids) and Blacks (Negroids). Each of these 3 groups contains smaller sub-groups with different genes, cultures, customs and physical characteristics. When 2 different primary groups are mixed you get a mixed raced person of neither race since the offspring wouldn't be of either race but mixed, taking traits more so from one of the parents over the other. Many Whites who choose to have offspring with blacks have offspring that will not look anything like the White parent. This is because White DNA carries the most recessive genes like lighter hair, eyes, skin and other things that requires two biological parents to have these traits to pass them on to their offspring. Blacks carry the most dominant traits like dark skin, black eyes, course hair etc. Think of adding chocolate to White milk and mixing it, do it look more like White milk or chocolate?

Recessive genes can only be passed to each generation by selective mating with other Whites. I was told once by a student who took a college course on genetics that, one incident of race mixing would take about 16-20 generations of selective mating with mates of one primary race to mostly correct the damage race mixing causes. Think back to about 16-20 generations in your family and see how long ago that was. In order for this to work each and every generation would have to selectively choose mates of the primary race to have the next generation. Even so the earliest generations would be mixing the blood of the mates they choose.

Some people may wonder why I and others may use the term "damage" while referring to race mixing. The reason why I say damage is because in todays society the more accepting race mixing becomes, the bigger the threat is to every races unique existence on the earth. Not to mention that new studies have found that not only do multi-racial people deal with unique and often difficult social problems, they deal with difficult medical problems as well. Multi-racial people have an even harder time getting organ transplants because of the lack of donors with DNA or organs compatible to theirs for a successful surgery, they also get hair and skin problems, and one study claimed that children of multi-racial background have more complaints about ailments then children of one race. The study went on to say they investigated the children's complaints and found theses children actually suffered from more then they complained of.

That's something I bet the mainstream multi-media fails to report when they use interracial couples in their movies, shows, commercials and news. I for one feel very sad for what multi-racial people will have to deal with in their lifetime. They can become confused and try to identify with one race they take after more like current presidential candidate Barack Obama who himself has a White mother and a Black father, who chooses to identify more so with the black community even though he had a more stereotypical White upbringing with his grandmother. Then there's multi-racial people who see themselves as neither and as a separate people all together, which would be correct to do so since they are neither one race but a mix between others.

If history is correct in this subject then the multi-racial people of America today, will eventually declare themselves an entire separate race of people. This holds true for Hispanics who are racially mixed between, any combinations of blacks, whites, and the early Mongolian Ameri-Indians, and Jews who can be mixed between Whites, Semetic peoples, Asians, and Arabs. Both groups of people are recognized as different and even carry unique medical conditions. Jews for example, have a disease which they are at the higher risk for called Tay- Sachs and women of Eastern European Jewish decent tend to have a higher susceptibility to breast cancer and both male and female Jews are at risk for colon cancer.

In fact if you were to research the Caste system the Spanish put in place when they were colonizing parts of South and Central America there were many terms to place certain people under. For instance the term Mullato was one of these terms they gave to those who had one White parent who took had offspring with a black. A mullato was higher on the caste them negros but lower then White Spaniards. A Mestizo which is your current day Hispanic was a mix between a White and a Mongolian Ameri-Indain.

I wanted to discuss the decreasing White (non Hispanic) population of my county, my state and my country of the United States of America. Some people might wonder, why should we be worried about this? How does this affect me? Well my answer is rather simple. If you had an idea of something bad happening to you, your family and your people and could prevent this years in advance and actually turn it around and make things greater for both you, your family and your people would you? It's kind of like that old saying that goes "a stitch in time saves nine". If we can do little things in just our lives we all will benefit in the end if we just stick together and look out for our families.

Sometimes it's not easy but it's going to be much more difficult if we stand by and do nothing. Cowardice is expected but if we let it take over us then it will be the result of our demise. Any people which allow its women to be taken by others, raped, their race made humble and sheepish and no desire to defend themselves will perish from the earth. It is natures law and we can't expect another race who has the upper hand to step in and save us, it is our duty to do so. Our race feels compassion for other races yet guilt and hatred towards ourselves, stop it and love your race, don't listen to those who tell you, you belong to a "Evil" race because they themselves have something to gain by your submission.

In 2000 in Palm Beach County (my home county) the estimated percentage of Whites were 70.6%. In 2005 estimates that number dropped to 65.5%. That's a 5.1% decrease in 5 years time. This averages out to a 1% decrease every year during that time period that the non-Hispanic White population lost. Whether the causes for this decrease was relocation, death, lower birth rates etc I'm not sure none-the-less there was a significant loss which shows no sign of stopping.

If that trend remained a constant then currently in 2008 we might have a non-Hispanic White population of about 62.5%. Which means Palm Beach Co can become a minority-majority by 2018 -2020 or sooner. That's about 10-12 years from now. Why should a White living in Palm Beach County care about this? Think about how dangerous the "ghettos" are, would you feel at ease if that came closer to your home, office, or your children's school? Drugs are a major problem here and since I have younger siblings of high school age I can assure you in the public (and private) education system your child will face many peer pressures and hard decisions to make, one of them will be drugs, another alcohol, sex of course, but did you know you can add homosexuality and race mixing to that list?

In Palm Beach County you may or may not have heard of COMPASS. It's a Gay community center in the Lake Worth area. There are teenage "homosexuals" that attend this community center. These teens goto school and also ask other kids to attend, even if they are straight. I know this because I was approached by a gay teen at my school and was asked if I wanted to go to any COMPASS meetings and I replied no that I was straight and was told they would still welcome me anyway and so I decline again.

Why would gays who claim they need rights of their own, want straights let alone young teenage heterosexuals to attend their Gay community center? Just remember that Gays cannot naturally procreate and despite the many attempts Gays try to normalize Homosexuality as if it were just as common as Heterosexuality. This of course is not true. Homosexuality is a rare instance. Teenagers usually go through adolescence and are sexually curious and can become sexually confused. This usually gets better when they reach adulthood and have a better idea of who they are as a person. Homosexuals across the U.S. and Europe are fighting to make Homosexuality a regular part of sex education, there are bills right now that are to push to make Homosexuality a part of sex ed. Whether this is to "recruit" newer generations of would be homosexuals or to target and victimize young children.

Race mixing is another concern you should be aware of if you haven't had to deal with this already. I think it might be a part of the whole teenage rebellion mentality. Race mixing has became a commonly accepted thing to mainstream society these days yet teenagers of single race families or households see if as a taboo still. It's something unknown to them and since it's also a trendy thing to do that is often glorified in ads, t.v., movies etc... just as smoking was then what is a teenager to think?

Not to mention it can also be a guilt thing. In schools it's customary to celebrate "diversity" which includes nearly endless Holocaust remembrance (When I was in high school we spent more time in history class learning about the Holocaust then WW2 itself, and the class was never taught about Communism) by teaching of the holocaust both in history and English, not to mention having Israeli or Holocaust special guest speakers every year to some schools, Black History month, Martin Luther King Jr Day (Real name was Michael King, he was a supporter of Communism), and Hispanic holidays. They are taught that the Civil War was mostly about slavery. This of course is historically incorrect and can be disproved and celebrated hero Abraham Lincoln himself was quoted many times saying statements like this:

"I will say, then, that I am not nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races---that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race." -- Abraham Lincoln, "Fourth Lincoln-Douglas Debate, September 18, 1858, Charleston, Illinois," in "Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings" (New York: Library of America, 1989), p. 636, and in Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 5, page 371

This information is available freely in books, documents and on the net. So why would teachers that are supposed to teach children lies? Perhaps parents should ask the publishers of school text books why such inaccuracies? Not to mention another protected minority, the Jews made up nearly 75% of slave owners in the South. Your children deserve to be taught truth, not mislead by lies.

Should we learn from one of our neighbors what Palm Beach County will resemble in 10-20 years? Let's take a look at Broward County.

In Broward County in 2000 the figures for the non-Hispanic White population was 58%. In the 2006 Census report that figure was an estimated 48.7% leaving Broward Co. a minority-majority. There was a loss of 9.3%, an average of 1.55% per year decrease in the population in that 6 year period.

If that trend remains constant for 10 years the non-Hispanic White population in Broward Co will drop to about 33.2%.

Palm Beach County is North of Broward Co and it seems to be on the same path. I can honestly say that White flight (Whites relocating to what they feel is a better place) is partly the cause of our population drops. This holds true for my neighborhood and town. Many of our neighbors known each other and looked out for each others homes sometimes. Luckily 2 of the homes that were put up for sale were bought by our good neighbors relatives to keep the street with familiar people and keep family's near by. Many homes went up for sale after rumors that the orange groves were going to be torn down to build low income housing (a coincidence perhaps?). Other homes have since been put up for sale on our street. One of them sold to I believe Muslims where a White family once lived, another sold to an Interracial couple, and a house that even though is on the next street over still has access to our road was sold to a large black family which occupies both homes owned by the White property owner that moved.

I'm not at all concerned with how people view me or the things I say, I can let the evidence speak for itself. People like me that are concerned with the rising hostility against my people and my future children (I'm currently pregnant with my first child), that use facts, figures, common sense who try to bring this to the attention of our people are always going to be quickly faced with verbal attacks, people who think by calling us a buzzword will discredit the truth of what's happening and try to convince everyone that peace will eventually come but we all must "love each other" and continue to celebrate diversity which would eventually no longer exist if we mix with each other. Of course this means WE must step aside and worry about helping other races but our own. Do blacks worry about helping the White race nearly as much as White worry about Blacks? If we are all equal and the same then why is their affirmative action, "Historically" Black colleges, diversity and sensitivity training and quota hiring and housing? How can they say one people are disadvantaged and need help from us if we are all the same?

If you don't believe me that is fine, this is up to you to realize or continue to ignore. While admitting these things doesn't make you obligated to become a Pro-White activist as I and many have chosen to do, for the very least look after your family and share this with them because what good is awareness without action? I am a Pro-White activist so many of you don't have to be, just be mothers and fathers, good brothers and sisters and learn to stop fighting your people, love them and support them, don't put other peoples ahead of you own, would you put another persons family ahead of yours, no so why would do put other people ahead of yours? It's nature, no matter what the mainstream tries to tell you it's all natural. They don't want you to see that because they have made such profit from it's marketing it's sickening.

I would like to close this by listing just a couple more statistics. Also I want you to picture this. Imagine that the area you live in whether it is or isn't 30% White. Every time you leave your home 3 out of every 10 people you see are White. 70% of the neighborhood you live in is non-White. Crime has gotten bad and more and more Whites decide to move away but you remained behind because you didn't see any real problem at the time, after all why should you have to leave if you don't want to right? You still remain confident that you and your family are going to be alright.

You don't understand how it happened or why your son/daughter didn't choose a good looking White boyfriend or girlfriend but all you have to do to answer your curiosity is to look at their everyday environment and what they were taught was acceptable at home and within society.

In the entire state of Florida in 2000 Whites alone made up 78% of the population. In 2006 that total White population was 76.1%. A total loss of almost 2%. In the United States in 2000 the White population was 75.1% while in 2006 it was 73.9%, a national loss of 1.2%. According to the U.S. Census by the year 2050 Non-Hispanic Whites will make up for about 50.1% of the entire U.S. Population. This is as if the trends they considered in 2004 remain constant.

Currently the top 10 states with the least White's reported in the population are,

Hawaii at 26.3%
District of Columbia 34.5%
California 59.8%
Mississippi 60.1%
Maryland 61.3%
Georgia 62.1%
Louisiana 64.4%
New York 66.4%
South Carolina 67.3%
New Mexico 67.8%.

Florida ranks number 31 out of the 51 states listed at in 2006. Which makes Florida the 20th least White populated state. When the U.S.A. was starting to gain territory and prosperous at its prime was about 90-95% White now the founding people which made the U.S.A a country to begin with will eventually become a minority. Are Whites prepared to ask themselves if they are really ready to become for the first time in History, minorities in their own towns, cities, states, or country? When our population drops to critical numbers will the governments provide financial assistance? Reservations to help preserve our people and our cultures, customs? Affirmative action? Guaranteed jobs or federal grants to encourage more White owned business's?

Please think long, hard and carefully on these questions because this is what we're looking at within the next 40-80 years. Roughly mine and my future children's lifetimes. I know I'm not the only one who care about my future children's and grand children's well being, show your support and live a honest pro-White life. For your future generations sake. They are our future, we owe them something better. Support you local White Rights activist today!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Homosexual "Day of Silence" coming to Florida High Schools

Alert from the AFA (American Family Association).

Homosexual "Day of Silence" coming to Florida High Schools

Your child's classroom may be disrupted by gay activism

Dear Parents,

On, Friday, April 25, several dozen schools in Florida will be observing "Day of Silence (DOS)." DOS is a nationwide push to promote the homosexual lifestyle in public schools.

When AFA alerted parents of this public school classroom disruption by homosexual student activists, many Floridians took action immediately! As a result, 11 schools had their name removed from the participating list. If you haven't gotten involved, it's critical that you do so today!

Sample letter here.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Day of Silence.
Here is a partial list of Florida schools which the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network says are participating in DOS:


If your school is listed, call your local school and ascertain whether they officially or passively allow students to observe "Day of Silence." If your school is listed, please double-check with your local school to see if the school is actually sponsoring DOS. Sometimes the "participation" turns out to be a handful of kids who are saying they have a homosexual club and are observing this protest day, but without school endorsement. We sincerely hope your school, if listed, is not actually an official sponsor. If it is not, we will take them off the list, if a school official asks us to do so. Please e-mail your correction to

Some tips:

  1. Be sure of the date that DOS is planned for your school. (The national date is April 25, but some schools observe DOS on a different date.)
  2. Inform the school of your intention to keep your child home on that date and explain why. See the sample letter above.
  3. Explain to your children why you're taking a stand: Homosexual behavior is not an innate identity; it is a sinful, unnatural and destructive behavior. No school should advance a physically, emotionally, and spiritually destructive sexual lifestyle to students.
  4. Schools do not have to tolerate students remaining silent in class. Schools can adopt policies that require parental consent for students to attend any club, including those premised on sexual orientation or gender identity. Here is more information from Attorney Mat Staver with Liberty Counsel who provides free information to parents, students, and schools regarding their rights associated with noncompliance on the Day of Silence.

Take Action!
  • What should parents do? Check with your local school principal to see if your child's school will be participating in DOS. If the school is participating, notify other parents about DOS and ask them to join in keeping their children out of school on that day.
  • A simple phone call or letter to your local Florida school administrators, telling them your child will not attend school the day it observes DOS, may be enough to cause some participating schools to change their plans.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kinsmen Rescue Project Revived!

White Revolution- Kinsmen Rescue Project

by Jessica

Dear visitors and fellow kinsmen and women,

Back in 2006 White Revolution began its Kinsmen Rescue Project.
Its mission was to help Whites affected by the state sponsored genocide (in South Africa and Zimbabwe)seek refuge in the United States of America and to create a White international support network.

The project eventually went under due to difficulty establishing a steady, permanent contact in South Africa and other issues at the time as well.

Since White Revolution has established a contact, we are proud to announce that we are reviving the Kinsmen Rescue Project once more to help the Whites in South Africa in a great time of need.

While most of the world remains silent if not totally unaware of the situation the Whites in South Africa are facing, White Revolution will do its best to hear the call and help as much as possible.

All supplies can be sent to our Florida chapter's mailing address to be placed with other received donations to be shipped internationally.

We are also looking into safety plans involving possible relocation, evacuation, employment and immigration assistance and temporary housing for Whites who wish to seek refuge or relocate to safer areas in South Africa.

We will do our best in this effort to help our Kinsmen in South Africa as well as other former White territories as help is needed and we can try our best to do what we can.

Whites wishing to send aid may do so to:

White Revolution Florida
P.O. Box 751
Loxahatchee, FL 33470

If anyone has any questions or comments about this effort you can do so by using the contact form on our contact page or asking about it on the thread on our forum.

Here's a sample list of what supplies may be helpful.

First Aid kits
Non-perishable foods
Water purification tablets
Flash lights
Sanitary supplies

Basically any supplies that could come in handy in a survival/emergency situation.

Thank you to all who took the time to read this and please bookmark our site to remain updated.

Jessica Dietrich
White Revolution Florida Rep.

White Pride World Wide!

St. Patty's Day 2008 Review

St. Patty's Day Show 2008
By Billy Roper

The St. Patty’s Day 2008 event in central Florida, sponsored by CHS and Blood and Honour American Division, was a well-planned and coordinated success. Security was tight and well disciplined, supplied by both the Confederate Hammerskins and VolksFront, but the venue was so secure, and the crowd so well behaved, that they didn’t have a lot to worry about. No fights, no drama, no bullshit…and that’s quite an accomplishment considering how many groups were represented: in addition to the different regional divisions of Hammerskin Nation there were VolksFront, White Revolution, The Nationalist Coalition, Aryan Nations, Christian Guard, other pro-White and skinhead organizations and independent White Nationalists, as well as more nontraditional allies from the Outlaw, Black Pistons, and Cobra motorcycle clubs. All together, somewhere around one hundred and fifty folks, not one of us famous for being able to play well with others, spent the whole day and half the night together, without a single negative incident that I’m aware of.

The food, traditional Irish shepherd’s pie, was great and helped soak up some of the alcohol, lol. Speaking of which, the beer was plentiful, with several kegs flowing outside and a full air-conditioned bar inside, too. Vendors from R.O.A., Bloodline Records, Working Class Industries, and others provided a wide range of merchandise which we all took advantage of. It was great meeting and talking with new comrades from South Africa, England, and Germany, and even reuniting with some folks, like the NHS, whom I hadn’t seen in five or six years. I didn’t even mind getting sunburned, it was a welcome change from fifty degree Arkansas weather.

The music lasted longer than the sun, though: Definite Hate, Downright Hateful, Midtown Bootboys, Attack, and Jungsturm played their hearts out. Forrest entertained the crowd with his patented humor and antic filled showmanship, but the highlight of the concert for me may have been the German boys’ rendition of “88 Rock ‘n Roll Band” toward the end of the show.

The typical harassment by the police state consisted of multiple helicopter flyovers, staking out and pulling over some people as they left the venue and searching their cars, and an undercover County Sheriff’s deputy, obviously doing footwork for the Feds, who gave a physical description of me and my party to the hotel desk clerk before we arrived, and asked her for a printout of the reservations for that day. I assume that they knew where I was staying by using that infamous warrantless Homeland Security email monitoring, and what I was wearing by following us around the airport, which must have been fun for them, considering what a wild goose chase we led them on for a couple of hours. But we had no problems going through TSA security, either way. It’s a funny commentary on the world we live in that going through security at the airport is a more nerve-wracking experience than actually flying. You don’t even worry about the plane crashing any more, you’re so relieved to make it through the cattle line without a body cavity search with a side order of detainment and interrogation.

Mike Lawrence and I spoke before the bands went on, and although I never follow a script, here’s a rough idea of what I said, more or less…

“In honor of St. Patrick’s Day and my favorite Irish poet, W. B. Yeats, I want to quote for you:

“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”

And doesn’t that just about sum up the world we live in today?

St. Patty’s Day is one of the few White holidays we have left. Christmas has been watered down into an obligatory commercial capitalist consumer feeding frenzy, flanked by Hannukah for the kikes and Kwanzaa for the toads. Columbus Day is smeared by skraelings whining and crying because our ancestors took this land from them and made it into the greatest country on earth. But you don’t have to be Irish to celebrate St. Patty’s Day. All of us whose ancestors came from Europe feel a rising heat in our blood when we hear the wailing of the bagpipes like the valkyries themselves screaming our names to come and take our places in Valhalla. All of us like a good drink or two to cheer us. And, just like in the holiday’s legend St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, we all would like to do a little driving of snakes out of our country, too. So, we’re all a little Irish, today.

And here in beautiful Florida, with the island spics lapping at it’s shores from the south and old hook-nosed jews moving here from the north, here too, proud White men are making a stand. Confederate HammerSkins, Blood and Honour, White Revolution, and others, refusing to be silenced. Refusing to step off the sidewalk. Refusing to let our nation be stolen from us without a fight. Refusing to smile and scrape and bow to those who have stolen our birthright, and are getting fat off of our rightful inheritance.

For we do not lack conviction. We are the ones who will let loose the blood-dimmed tide that will wash away the filth of all the muds and the race traitors. Things will fall apart. The center cannot hold. From that mere anarchy we will rebuild our race on the ashes of this corrupt, sold-out, and betrayed civilization. We will create a new order where White men will make and enforce the law, where justice will come from the barrel of a gun and from the end of a rope. And when it is all said and done, little White children will inherit the earth. All of it.

So, when you lift your glasses tonight, drink a toast to the future, and remember that it will be what we make it. Why? Because we can. Because we are Aryans. We are the only ones who ever invented the wheel. We’re the ones who put a man on the moon. And we’re the ones who can bring it all down again and remake it as we like. Because we’re Aryans. Nature’s finest. And though we invented civilization, and have given more to the world than all the other races combined in overgenerous charity, once we are riled, once we are so angry that we stand up and say ENOUGH!!!! In one voice that shakes the heavens, we are the fiercest, toughest, most ruthless sons of bitches in creation, too. And we’ll show them all soon enough. But for tonight, among our own, let us drink as brothers and celebrate the future which we will make together. White Power!”

Many thanks for a wonderful weekend and congratulations on a job well done to the Confederate Hammerskins and Blood and Honour American Division!

Default Daniel Cicciaro's Murderer Sentenced 2-4 yrs

Thanks Warren for the post!

Father expresses rage over verdict. I can't blame the man, my father would have felt the same if not handled it a bit differently.